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VOLUME I Edisi 1 , April 2007


Sumber Daya Manusia Berkualitas sebagai Kunci Kesuksessan Pemasaran Jasa Berdasarkan Perspektif Iman Kristen

Detty Manongko
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Kristen Immanuel (UKRIM)


The faster change of the business world has enforced corporations to give response to the change. The central problem faced by corporations presently is to attract and maintain the customers. The objective can be met if the corporations conduct a marketing effort. The marketing paradigm has been shifting, not only to create transaction, but also to maintain relationships in a long term basis. Relationship marketing paradigm is the basic principle of this marketing practice, that is to support a closer relationship with the customers by creating a two way communication through managing relationships which are advantageous for each other. The importance of men and women as human resources that become the success factors in achieving the business goals has realized the companies to focus their attention on the specific human resources issues such as business issues related to human being. The quality of work force as service provider will determine the quality of the service being provided. In order to improve it

Jasa, Sumber Daya Manusia, Iman Kristen

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