Sistem Pendukung Pengambilan Keputusan dengan Metode Bayes Naive (Studi Kasus Kredit Sepeda Motor) |
Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Kristen Immanuel |
In a company or enterprise decision-making as an important element that affects the development of the company. Therefore, it is necessary to design a decision support system that aims to help a manager to take a decision. Decision Support System is designed to be a system that can help the user to help make a decision. In this case the user is the manager. In order to give consideration to give approval for credit application or not. To design such a system is required to support the method of system performance. The algorithm used is Naive Bayes. Existing data on the company will be used for processing using Naive Bayes algorithm. Naive Bayes algorithm will calculate the posterior probability for each case values of the target attribute in every case (sample data). Furthermore, Naive Bayes will classify the sample data to a class that has a posterior probability value highest. . The output of the system is on a potential creditors will qualify creditor to credit approval or not . Testing is done using old data or data from the company as training data that will be tested with new data (data potential creditors ) |
Naive Bayes, Probabilitas Posterior, Kreditor |
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