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VOLUME XVII Edisi 2 , Agustus 2012



Jhonson Andar Harianja1), Zaluku, R.A2)
1)Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Kristen Immanuel Yogyakarta e-mail : harianja_andar@yahoo.com 2)Alumni S1 Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas


When a structure is subjected to lateral load, it will experience lateral displacement which, when loading occurs repeatedly, will cause the structure to ultimately reach its plastic state, and hence, its collapse. To minimize lateral displacement, structures need to have sufficient stiffness to resist lateral load. In this experimental study a structural model in the shape of an asymmetrical portal was made. A bracing was designed which could be attached to any part of the portal. For each configuration, the fortified portal was subjected to seismic type of loading to observe the effectiveness of the bracing against the load. The effectiveness of the bracing was measured by the lateral deflection experienced by the structure. SBR rubber was selected as the material for the portal due to its high elasticity. The portal was placed on a movable base, which, when subjected to lateral load would induce a seismic type of base shear on the structure. The lateral displacement which occurred in each portal configuration was measured. The experiment was conducted for nine designated bracing positions attached to the portal. Another test was run with the bracing not attached to the portal. The result of the experiment revealed, both test result and analysis results, obtained that the asymmetric model with a bracing. A portal is a portal model the most rigid and most effective way to reduce earthquake forces, lateral displacement value 0,04 cm and 0,044 cm test result with the percentage effectiveness analysis results 95,18 % on the test results 96,431 % in the analytical results. It can be concluded that this form of bracing. Bracing is a good model to be applied as lateral stiffness to the bottom horizontal shear force.

portal asymmetric, bracing, lateral displacement.

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